Coryndon Luxmoore


  • Year
    • 2008
  • Market
    • Medical, Pharmaceutical
  • Design Team Members
    • Coryndon Luxmoore, Interaction and Visual Design
    • Andy Hamm, Visual Design
A web application developed for IDEXX that allows cat owners and vets to see the prevalence of three common feline diseases in their local area and learn how to protect their pet. The interface style and data presented is customized to the information provided by the user. The business was interested in transforming the behavior of cat owners who are low consumers of veterans services and by proxy don’t use the IDEXX testing products to help prevent several common feline diseases. They approached KG partners to create an independant content site using disease prevalence data to help drive awareness on disease risk for cats wit. The discovery work revealed a number of issues with this approach:
  • There was a risk that the site could be perceived as an “astroturf” site damaging the IDEXX brand
  • The site would be dependent purely on SEO to communicate its message
  • The content was poor and not very compelling
We examined the “competition” which included extremely credible sites like the ASPCA, Veterinary schools, as well as the larger cat community. Using this quick research we worked with IDEXX to reframe the problem they were trying to solve in a way that avoided the problems with the original requested solution. The site was repositioned to be a free tool in support of the larger cat community by focusing purely on their academic research and mapping tool. This tool allows members of the community to interact and understand the risks in their area and embed that tool into their own community sites. This solved the challenges by
  • Repositioning the data from IDEXX as a contribution to the community of cat lovers and vets
  • Providing an additional method to drive traffic in addition to SEO
  • Able to be integrated in other PR and Marketing efforts to both cat lovers and vets
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